Welcome to South Benfleet Primary School which has successfully been educating children in South Benfleet for over 90 years. Many of our parents and grandparents were educated here and although teaching methods and curriculum content may have changed over the years, our ethos hasn't. We take great pride in our reputation for being ‘a friendly, caring, family school’.
Parents are encouraged to help in the school and we believe it is vital that they take an active role in their child's education. We aim to keep you informed and involved in a variety of ways - termly open evenings, parent information sessions, annual reports, class assemblies, invites to productions, festivals and sporting events. We have an ‘open door policy’ and would encourage you to speak to us about any concerns you may have and also to share good news. We produce a weekly newsletter which is circulated electronically and available from this website. We also use Twitter and Instagram to share pictures of events and school life.
Our most recent Ofsted inspection in March 2019 provided us with a very positive report and overall we were judged once again to be a good school. Comments from the report include:-
'The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the previous inspection.'
‘You have created a curriculum that supports pupils’ academic and personal development very well. As a result, pupils enjoy school and strive to meet the school motto to smile, believe, persevere and succeed. They feel that learning is challenging and say teachers make learning ‘interesting and fun’.
‘Pupils welcome opportunities to participate in the wide range of trips, clubs and sporting activities that enhance their learning and allow them to pursue their interests.’
We hope you will find this website useful and informative. If you would like the opportunity to discuss anything with us, or to look around the school, please contact us so that the appropriate arrangements can be made.
Mr D. Carver (Headteacher)