At South Benfleet Primary School we believe that the wearing of school uniform is important as it helps to promote equality and reinforces the sense of belonging to our school learning community.
It is important in a school of over 400 children all wearing the same uniform that all items of clothing are clearly named so that lost items can be quickly reunited with their owners.
Our current school uniform consists of:
For reasons of safety, and hygiene, children must change into suitable PE clothing. Therefore please ensure that your child has the correct kit available for all lessons.
Kit for Reception and Key Stage 1
Please ensure all PE kits are also named!
Indoor - Plain white T-shirt and black shorts
Outdoor - Plain white T-shirt and black shorts
Footwear - Plimsolls
For use during cold weather jogging bottoms / top or tracksuit bottoms / top are required in addition to the basic kit.
Kit for Key Stage 2
Please ensure all PE kits are also named!
Indoor - Green PE T-shirt and black shorts (T-shirt is available from Penn Sports)
Outdoor - Green PE T-shirt and black shorts
Footwear - Trainers - this should be a separate pair to their daily footwear
For use during cold weather jogging bottoms / top or tracksuit bottoms / top are required in addition to the basic kit.
Please remember that all children need to remove any permitted jewellery before a PE lesson.
Please note also, that if tights are worn to school, socks must be provided for the PE lesson
Uniform Price List
Our school uniform is available from:
Penn Sports
15-17 Kents Hill Road
Essex SS7 5PN
Telephone: 01268 751724
This company will also be selling other items of uniform such as grey trousers, skirts and check dresses.
Book bags, P.E. bags and water bottles will still be available at the school office.
Pre-Loved Uniform
Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) continue to collect, sort and sell good quality second hand uniform on a regular basis. Dates of sales are put on newsletters or you can contact them through their Facebook page.