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Medical Information

As a school community of well over 400 people the health and medical needs of all are important to us. Key staff all receive regularly updated, first aid training and we participate in a variety of public health initiatives to help ensure the community has the information it needs to stay as healthy as possible. We would ask for your help by taking careful note of the information below. If you have any queries please ask and we will do our best to help or point you in the right direction.

Illness - Absence from School

When children are ill they should be kept at home until they are well enough to complete a full day in school. Please do call the school on the first day of absence and then provide a note on the child’s return to school.


Please do not send children into school for at least 24 hours if they have been sick as they may spread it to the rest of the school community and also slow their own recovery.


No drugs/ medicines should be left in pockets, bags or lunch boxes for self-administration by the child- they must be named and handed in at the office with instructions and a completed consent form.

Please remember to collect medicines at the end of the school day. We can help with administration of medicines that need to be taken 4 times a day- please ask at the office for an agreement form. No lotions, potions, lip balms, nose sprays, cough sweets/lozenges etc. please in school.


Children, who require inhalers, need to have them in school at all times- they must be left at the Office, clearly named and labelled with instructions Year 6 children may keep their inhalers with them- however a spare is needed at the office as a backup.


Please inform the school if your child has any allergies or other health problems (or if any are discovered) and any procedures that are necessary.

Head Lice (nits)

We ask all parents to regularly (daily) check their child’s head/ hair for ‘unwanted visitors’. If any are found please treat accordingly. Further information/ help and advice is available from the school office.
