The School will be having their Christmas Dinner on Friday 16th December. The cost for this will be £2.60 and is payable in the usual way through your dinner money account on ParentPay. Please note the cost only applies to Key Stage 2 children; EYFS and Key Stage 1 children do not have to pay.
On Christmas dinner day, children are allowed to wear a Christmas jumper and school trousers/skirt and school shoes. Throughout the week, we will be raising money for NSPCC. If you wish you can choose to make a donation. Donations are a minimum of £1 and can be made via ParentPay. Please do not send any cash into school. Thank you for your support.
Roast Turkey / Pigs in Blankets
Stuffing / Yorkshire Pudding
Vegetarian Option
Roast Potatoes / Choice of Vegetables / Gravy
Mince Pie & Custard / Chocolate Muffin / Ice Cream