Dear Parents/Carers
As we return from half term, we are aware that advice regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) has been updated and strengthened. The DFE has issued the following guidance to schools.
Advice to parents/carers
Don’t panic! You should continue about your daily life as normal including sending your child(ren) into school.
If you have been abroad recently please refer to specific guidelines given by the Government Be particularly vigilant and read official advice if you have been to any of the following places:
Northern Italy
South Korea
Republic of Korea
Hong Kong
Actions we are taking in school
We continue to remind pupils of the importance in a school community of the every day need for good hygiene - such as regularly washing hands, always sneezing into a tissue and covering your mouth when you cough to stem the spread of viruses. We would ask you to reinforce these important messages at home.
As a school we are keeping up to date with the latest guidance and will inform you and take action as appropriate.
Please make us aware if your child or a family member is having to self isolate or has developed symptoms and we will discuss the next steps with you in terms of school attendance.
Thank you
South Benfleet Primary School