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Is your child unwell? What to do

We realise that we are in challenging times and that if your child (someone in your household) is unwell you are unsure whether they should be sent into school or not.

We have had a look around and tried to find some resources to help you. In order to help you there is a very useful site provided by NHS 111 online where you can input the symptoms for your child and after answering some questions it will tell you your next step. If your child is ill we would encourage you to use this site as a first step before contacting the school.

NHS 111 online -

Here is a link to another NHS website with a list of a list of common childhood illnesses which you may also be useful now and in the future.

NHS list of common childhood illnesses -

If your child is off school or they (or any other family member) are having a Covid-19 test then please let us know and keep us updated.

Thank you for your continued support.
